Lyrics :
Kejt cosa nostra, familje bosash, kejt neper bot tash, la vida loca
She fell in love with a gangster, guns in the bag
Mrena nclub 2 ke qanta, glocks in that bag
I kam 20 shok mrapa, kan armet en bel
Per kto rrug the godfather, trap till im dead
Makinat qarkullim po thojn kryeministria
Besom i kom do tipa fort ma tfort se qeveria
Zemra look latina origjina ka Shqipnia
That booty 10/10, and she f*** sikur Mia
Pushtet sikur Berisha
Pare si Lazimi
Bolet kejt qelik, em thojn Isa Boletini
Makina 300, bow down when you see me, bow down when you see me
Rolls Royce cullinan
Big boys many men
Big toys let it bang
Nket loj nuk keni ven
I be trappin motherf***** se kom qef paret me thasa
I be on top of the ladder
You dont like me suck your mother
She fell in love with a gangster, guns in the bag
Mrena nclub 2 ke qanta, glocks in that bag
I kam 20 shok mrapa, kan armet en bel
Per kto rrug the godfather, trap till im dead
E kam ndryshe une jeten qata na nuk jena tnjejt
Do miliona i kam bo, po munoj me bo do tjer
E sa femnat kam kalu jo nuk i ke pas ti kurr njet
E sa njerzit jan munu po perfundimi gjith i njejt
If you do not love me then youll deffo love me
If you didnt know me, baby now you know me
She got that big big ass, double Ds nothing less
Origjina prej Shqipnis, jena known for the best
Sikur Backingham Palace
Kontroll marketin we all in
Mos ma permen atentatin
You never did it or you tried it
You never done it but i did
Kur dalim na they be hiding
Kur dalim na they aint riding
Mjeti i ri with no mileage.
She fell in love with a gangster, guns in the bag
Mrena nclub 2 ke qanta, glocks in that bag
I kam 20 shok mrapa, kan armet en bel
Per kto rrug the godfather, trap till im dead
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